Episode description:
Information ethics is the area that investigates ethical issues arising from the development and application of information technologies. It provides a critical framework for considering moral questions relating to informational privacy, moral agency (e.g., whether artificial agents can be moral), new environmental issues (especially how agents should behave in the infosphere), problems arising from the life cycle (creation, collection, recording, distribution, processing, etc.) of information (especially property and copyright, digital exclusion). Educational objectives of information ethics are as follows: to be able to recognize and
articulate ethical conflicts in the field of information, activate a sense of responsibility regarding the consequences of individual and collective interactions in the field of information, improve qualifications for intercultural dialogue based on the recognition of different types of cultures and information values, provide knowledge basics about ethical theories and concepts and their relevance in daily information work. Ethical issues regarding access and dissemination of information are related to problems of public access and reference services, as well as the (human) right to communicate. The issue of access can be studied both as an individual and a social issue.