Starting from the theoretical-methodological framework of the Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (EPICC), the work, among other things, analyzes an object that is not very common in Marxist studies of communication and information: musical taste, taken as an illustration to think about the phenomenon of taste as a whole. Its central argument is whether taste is an expression and measure of the use value of goods, material and symbolic, and at the same time the sensitive substrate of ideologies, and whether information – especially mediatized information – is the main agent responsible for the formation of tastes in contemporary societies, therefore mediatized information has a deeper aesthetic and ethical-political dimension than previously thought, given that it would act not only on the fabric of notions and values that guide the practice of subjects, as is known, but also in the composition and governance of sympathies and antipathies, affections and disaffections, fascinations, aversions and indifferences, of tastes, in short, underlying these notions, values and practices, and that is why perhaps their politically decisive role lies there.
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